Andrea Caranti Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Matematica Dipartimento di Matematica Università di Trento

Advanced Group Theory

A 6 ECTS course for the MSc in Mathematics at Trento, second semester 2020/21, held by Andrea Caranti
A Diary of lectures
The course will cover
  • soluble groups;
  • representation and character theory of finite groups.
The second item is the main point of the course.

See the Diary of the 2018/19 edition.

Office hours during the course
Andrea Caranti By appointment
via Zoom
Please check the Notes, that have grown to some 80+ pages. They contain among others a detailed list of references.

For the prerequisites, please refer to the notes of the Teoria dei Gruppi course for the BSc in Mathematics.

Orario delle lezioni
  • The first hours are the official ones, the second ones the actual ones.
  • The calendar below should give an up-to-date overview of the timetable of the lectures.
Monday 17:30 - 18:30 (17:30 - 18:15) Zoom
Tuesday 14:30 - 16:30 (14:30 - 16:00)
Weekly exercise sheets
Each sheet is meant to be final by midnight on the date show on it (Friday each week)
Some exercises may refer to topics that will be dealt with in forthcoming lectures.
  1. 26 February 2021
    Please note that I have modified Exercise 1.4 on Tuesday, 2 March 2021.
  2. 5 March 2021
  3. 12 March 2021
  4. 19 March 2021
  5. 26 March 2021
  6. 2 April 2021
  7. 16 April 2021
  8. 23 April 2021
  9. 30 April 2021
  10. 7 May 2021
  11. 14 May 2021
  12. 21 May 2021
  13. 4 June 2021
Seminar Proposals
Seminar Proposals
Appelli d'esame

Andrea Caranti Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Matematica Dipartimento di Matematica Università di Trento