Corsi di Algebra / Algebra Courses
Lucidi in italiano / Presentations in
Audio in italiano / Audio in
Il 17 febbraio 2018 ero stato intervistato da Oscar Giannino
su Radio 24 all'interno del programma I
conti della belva, a
proposito delle prospettive occupazionali dei laureati in
Matematica. Ecco il podcast.
Il 20 febbraio 2012 il collega Massimiliano Sala ed io
eravamo stati intervistati da Radio3
Scienza a proposito di questo articolo (pdf)
di Lenstra e altri sulla sicurezza del protocollo
crittografico SSL,
ripreso fra l'altro in un articolo
de La Repubblica e in un articolo del New York Times.
Ecco il file audio
On February 20, 2012, my colleague Massimiliano Sala and I have been
interviewed by Radio3
Scienza, a daily science magazine of the Italian public radio,
about this article (pdf)
by Lenstra et al. on the security of the cryptographic
protocol SSL,
see e.g. this article
in the New York Times.
Here's the audio file
(in Italian)
Il 12 gennaio 2012 ero stato intervistato da Radio3
Scienza riguardo alla
scienza del Sudoku. Ecco il
file audio.
L'argomento è stata una recente scoperta nella teoria del
Sudoku. Gary McGuire
et al. hanno mostrato che non c'è alcun problema di Sudoku con
soli 16 indizi, e naturalmente una soluzione unica. (Gli indizi sono le caselle
già riempite all'inizio.) Al momento in cui scrivo sono noti
49151 problemi di Sudoku essenzialmente diversi fra loro che
richiedono solo 17 indizi.
Potete leggere un articolo
su Nature, e il manoscritto originale di Gary McGuire et al.
Potete anche vedere la pagina web
di Gordon Royle, che contiene una lista completa di tutti i
problemi di Sudoku attualmente noti con 17 indizi.
On January 12, 2012, I had been interviewed by Radio3
about the science of Sudoku. Here is the
file (in Italian).
topic was a recent advancement in the theory of Sudoku. Gary McGuire
et al. have showed that there is no Sudoku quiz with 16
clues (and a unique solution). At the moment I write this, 49151 essentially
inequivalent Sudoku
quizzes are known which require only 17 clues.
You may want to check an article
in Nature, and the original manuscript by Gary McGuire et al.
See also the web page
of Gordon Royle for a complete list of the currently known
17-clues Sudoku quizzes.
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Dove trovarmi / Where to find me
Articoli recenti / Recent papers
A kind reviewer, speaking of a paper of
mine, has summed up nicely the
way I work:
This nice paper exemplifies that clever observations, together with
elementary methods, can also lead to interesting new results without
using any big machinery.
- (with C. M. Scoppola and Gunnar Traustason)
Elements of prime order
in the upper central series of a group of prime-power order,
June 2024, accepted for publication in Communications in Algebra
(with E. Campedel and I. Del Corso)
Hopf-Galois structures on
extensions of degree \(p^{2} q\) and skew braces of order
\(p^{2} q\):
the elementary abelian Sylow \(p\)-subgroup case, New York
J. Math. 30 (2024) 93--186
- Some properties of
skew braces
that are invariant under isoclinism, Communications in
Algebra 52 (2024), 1118--1123
(with Cindy Tsang)
Finite \(p\)-groups of
class two with a small multiple
holomorph, J. Group Theory 27 (2024), no. 2, 345--381.
(with M. Avitabile, N. Gavioli, V. Monti, M. F. Newman and
E. A. O'Brien)
Thin subalgebras of Lie
algebras of maximal class, Israel J. Math. 253 (2023),
no. 1, 101-112
(with L. Stefanello)
Skew braces from
Rota-Baxter operators: A cohomological characterisation,
and some examples,
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -) 202 (2023) 1-13
(with Cindy Tsang)
Finite \(p\)-groups of
class two with a large multiple
holomorph, J. Algebra 617 (2023), 476-499
(with L. Stefanello) Brace
blocks from bilinear maps and liftings of endomorphisms,
J. Algebra 610 (2022), 831-851
(with I. Del Corso) On the
ranks of the additive and the multiplicative groups of a
brace, Riv. Math. Univ. Parma (N.S.) 13 (2022), no. 1, 31-46
(with L. Stefanello) From
endomorphisms to bi-skew braces, regular subgroups, the
Yang-Baxter equation, and Hopf Galois structures,
J. Algebra 587 (2021) 462-487
(with E. Campedel and I. Del Corso)
The automorphism groups of
groups of order \(p^{2} q\), Int. J. Group Theory 10 n. 3
(2021), 149-157
Bi-Skew Braces and Regular Subgroups of the Holomorph,
J. Algebra 562 (2020) 647-665
(with E. Campedel and I. Del Corso) Hopf-Galois structures on
extensions of degree \(p^{2} q\) and skew braces of order \(p^{2} q\): the
cyclic Sylow \(p\)-subgroup case, J. Algebra 556 (2020) 1165-1210
The Multiple Holomorphs of
Finite \(p\)-Groups of Class Two, J. Algebra 516 (2018), 352-372
(with F. Dalla Volta) Groups that have the same
holomorph as a finite perfect group,
J. Algebra 507 (2018), 81-102
(with F. Dalla Volta) The
multiple holomorph of a finitely
generated abelian group, J.
Algebra 481 (2017), 327-347
(with R. Aragona and M. Sala) The group generated by the
round functions of a GOST-like cipher, Annali di Matematica
Pura ed Applicata, 196 (1) (2017), 1-17.
A simple construction for
a class of \(p\)-groups with all of their automorphisms
central, Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Padova 135 (2016),
(with C. M. Scoppola) Finite morphic
\(p\)-groups, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 219 (2015),
A module-theoretic
approach to abelian automorphism groups, Israel J. Math. 205
(2015), no. 1, 235-246. Erratum. Israel J. Math. 215 (2016),
no. 2, 1025-1026.
(with R. Aragona, F. Dalla Volta and M. Sala) On the group generated by
the round functions of translation based ciphers over arbitrary finite
fields, Finite Fields Appl. 25C (2014), 293-305.
J. Group Theory 16 (2013), no. 5, 779-792.
(with S. C. Featherstonhaugh and L. N. Childs)
Abelian Hopf Galois structures on
prime-power Galois field extensions,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 364 (2012), no. 7, 3675-3684.
Older papers on
Something about me